Getting to Your Full F&ck Yes

Getting to Your Full F&ck Yes

​ Have ever done a brief meditation -- perhaps at the end of a yoga class, or during a leadership retreat -- and felt like a blissed-out, limp, blanket of relaxation afterward? Did you notice how relaxed your body was feeling? And how about your mind – was it a bit...

Meditation Roundup

Meditation Roundup

​ Have ever done a brief meditation -- perhaps at the end of a yoga class, or during a leadership retreat -- and felt like a blissed-out, limp, blanket of relaxation afterward? Did you notice how relaxed your body was feeling? And how about your mind – was it a bit...

Love what you do, even at home

Love what you do, even at home

Updated: Mar 18 The last few weeks have been chaotic, confusing, and for some, downright terrifying. COVID-19 has changed life as we know it in many ways. Here in Washington State, as of this morning, we're on a near-complete lockdown... bars and restaurants are...

Unplug with a personal mantra

Unplug with a personal mantra

Friday, March 6th is National Day of Unplugging. While it's unrealistic to think you'll end up ditching your devices completely for 24 hours, I am challenging you to take five minutes "off the grid" to do the mantra exercise I'm sharing with you today. It requires...

Dominoes and boulders

Dominoes and boulders

Ever feel buried under a pile of seemingly unending tasks and a to-do list that goes on for centuries? Me, too. I was once chatting with someone who said, "Most days, I just open up my giant to-do list, get started with whatever jumps out at me, do as many items on my...

February Roundup

February Roundup

I am kicking off a monthly roundup email for the Haven Coaching community starting this month. This roundup includes what I've been reading, listening to, watching, and doing, and has links and summaries for all. It takes the best of the best from what I've looked at...

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