February Roundup
I am kicking off a monthly roundup email for the Haven Coaching community starting this month. This roundup includes what I’ve been reading, listening to, watching, and doing, and has links and summaries for all. It takes the best of the best from what I’ve looked at this past month and distills it down to what I think you’ll love, too.
Some of it is leadership-related; some of it is focused on mindfulness; some of it is just plain fun.
I hope you enjoy!
What I’ve been up to
I’m in the final stages of re-branding the Haven Coaching website… SO.MANY.EXCITING.THINGS.TO.SHARE!!! I’m working with an incredible branding coach, Gil Nevo with Superbrand, and web development via Fingerprint Marketing. I can’t wait to show you previews soon!
I launched a February giveaway… and there’s still some time to enter! With just a few clicks you can win a fat stack of awesome books. Check out all the details here.
We have a new addition in our home! Her royal baby highness is named Pepper, and she’s a rescue Siamese kitten. She’s the cuddliest, most loving, playful little gal I’ve ever known. We also have two dogs and another older cat, and so far, introductions have been slow (read: Pepper saw our bigger dog and slapped my head repeatedly like a pinball), but I’m optimistic! 🙂
I co-hosted a Vision Board Workshop with Crystal Wellness Company this past month. The incredible women who attended had a chance to manifest their massive goals for 2020, build beautiful custom boards, and experience some crystal healing to boot. We can’t wait to do another workshop soon!
What I’ve been listening to
Tim Ferriss interviewing Brene Brown on his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. He does a beautiful job of getting Brene to be candid about herself and her work, but also shares his own perspective on a joyful life.
Dan Harris interviewing Dr. Tara Brach on his podcast, 10% Happier. Dr. Brach is a renowned clinical psychologist, PhD and author of multiple books, but she is most well-known recently for R.A.I.N., an acronym that helps interrupt the cycle of shame and self-blame with self-compassion. It’s powerful. The interview is wonderful for skeptics of self-compassion who are especially prone to shame and self-blame, and who cringe at the idea of kindness to self.
The Reality Illusion — what an incredibly trippy, perspective-inducing, brilliant interview with Donald Hoffman on Sam Harris’ podcast, Making Sense. If you find yourself sometimes getting stuck in a loop of minute annoyances and want to spend some time thinking about what it all “means,” have a listen! The first hour of it is available to all, and the rest is behind a paywall. The first hour alone is enough to knock your very understanding of the world right off its feet.
What I’ve been reading
I’m re-reading (for the millionth time) The Untethered Soul, which I evangelize constantly with clients and friends. It’s the most easy-to-understand perspective on that voice inside your head that’s always drawing you back into the past or getting anxious about the future (Michael Singer calls it your “internal roommate”). If you’re always listening to that crazy roommate, you’re hardly ever experiencing the present. Whether you’re seeking out more joy in your life or just looking to up your game at work, improving your sense of presence (and quieting that inner roommate) is the one key difference-maker.
I’m also reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s Your True Home, a one-page-a-day (or more!) passage of teachings from Hanh, a beloved and renowned Zen teacher. I read these in the morning, right after I make my coffee, as a mini ritual to start my day in the right head space.
A short but helpful article on having difficult conversations, with a TEDx talk to watch at the end.
This article on Ikigai, the Japanese secret of living a long and happy life.
What I’ve been watching
The 2020 Democratic Debates. It’s an election year, and no matter what color my state is or how likely or unlikely my vote will make a “difference,” participation is critical!
And a video for fun, this one is a gift that keeps on giving 🙂
What about you? What are your must-read, must-listen, must-see lists from the past month? Share via comments below for our Haven Coaching community!