June roundup

Holy MOLY, June flew by.

Perhaps it was a direct result of things slooooowly opening back up here in Washington State, including some indoor dining, small fitness classes, and the ability to see select friends and family members.  The latter has felt euphoric.

Perhaps it was because of how much emotion the world packed into one month – with constant news around racial injustice, protests about police brutality, and continually climbing death counts and unemployment rates due to COVID-19.

Perhaps it’s simply because of the weather – the sun finally beginning to peek out and warm our shoulders and hearts, even if just from our patio or front porch.

Whatever the reason, June flew by at warp-speed.  Inside the virtual walls of Haven Coaching, lots has happened too.  We can’t wait to tell you all about it.


What We’ve Been Up To

  • Haven Coaching donated a portion of 2020’s revenues to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Their mission is to fight racial justice: “Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.”
  • We launched a FREE mini-course, Career Goals in 30 Minutes… And a Plan To Achieve Them! If you want help designing career goals that align with your core values and with what fulfills you most – as well as a plan to get you there – grab this course today.
  • Our students from the Spring Cohort graduated from our premier online course, Love What You Do or Change It: the HAVEN Approach to Career Assessment! We’re so honored to have had these students join the Haven Coaching community.  A new Summer cohort is available; sign up today!
  • We welcomed two new private clients to our one-on-one executive coaching arm in June. One is a PhD entrepreneur; the other is a “Renaissance” person with backgrounds in science, business and photography!


What We’ve Been Listening To

We’ve ditched the podcasts and audio books this past month and have been doubling-down on meditations — every single day.  When stress, uncertainty, unrest, anger and sadness make for a roller coaster ride of emotion, meditation is one of the most reliable mechanisms to stay grounded.

We’ve posted our favorite free meditations from across the internet in the past (see the blog post here) but we’ve also been busy recording our OWN meditations this past month.  Haven Coaching was actually been featured on Insight Timer’s home page recently!

Check out all of Haven Coaching’s meditations hereGive us a review and let us know what you think!


What We’ve Been Reading


What We’ve Been Watching

TV has served as escapism lately, so all of these are fun rather than work-related!

  • Renovation Island – a crazy, edge-of-your-seat drama from HGTV (yes, that HGTV) in which a couple ditches their otherwise “normal” life to buy a resort on a remote island in the Bahamas that is termite-ridden, battered by salt and the elements, and has been abandoned for 7+ years (!!) My husband and I can’t get enough of it.
  • Spelling the Dream – a wonderful Netflix documentary about the Scripps National Spelling Bee and the dominance of its Indian-American contestants. It was riveting!
  • Snowpiercer – though this 2014 movie was recently remade into a series, trust us – the movie is the one you want to watch. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic world (which seems all-too-appropriate these days) where the planet has frozen over and all remaining humans are living on a train that traverses across the planet perpetually.


What are some of your highlights from the month of June?  Share in comments below!

Haven Coaching