Inputs vs. Outputs

Inputs vs. Outputs

  During my time as an executive at Amazon, I became known for an email I once sent.  It wasn't a funny email, and it wasn't particularly out of the ordinary -- to me, at least, when I sent it -- but it seemed to have made an impact on my team's understanding of...

The benefits of impostor syndrome

The benefits of impostor syndrome

​ When you hear anyone talk about "impostor syndrome," I bet you're used to hearing tips on how to get rid of it,  how to succeed despite it, how not to feel ashamed about having it. I'm here to tell you that you should wear it as a badge of honor. Impostor syndrome...

The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio

Let's talk about the Golden Ratio. No, I'm not dragging you back to THAT high school math formula.  (I will admit though, remembering it gave me quite the nerdy rush!) The Golden Ratio I'm talking about is all about leadership.  It's a simple rule: leaders should...

It’s time to do away with work-life balance

It’s time to do away with work-life balance

The explosion of research on “work-life balance” is not new; if anything, it keeps accelerating, taking on new areas of focus, dimensions and associated analyses. My goal in this piece is not to add to the explosion, but instead to question the concept of work-life...

On Authenticity: Part II

On Authenticity: Part II

​ Do you find yourself WANTING to be more authentic at work, but struggling with the HOW?  Today's blog post goes through my three biggest tips for being your most authentic self at work.  Part I of our authenticity series discussed WHY authenticity is so important,...

On Authenticity: Part I

On Authenticity: Part I

If, like many people, you’ve found yourself pausing when you’ve heard the advice to be your authentic self at work – you’re not alone.  It can feel impossible to make sense of what we’re supposed to do sometimes, especially as a leader, with respect to authenticity. ...

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