Did 2020 blow up your goals?

2020 was one SAVAGE roller-coaster.

Some days, it felt like a garbage compactor was barreling straight through my ambitious 2020 New Years’ resolutions with no mercy.

Other days, it was easier to see the silver linings 2020 brought, even those that weren’t so perfectly planned.  It was the quiet days when I noticed them most: usually when I was in nature, or with my pets, or having a conversation with someone I love (instead of wrapped up in my own head).

Still other days were a mix of both — a whiplash of highs and lows and everything in between.

I bet you felt something similar throughout 2020.

Looking back, I wanted to know the secret to those blissful days of quiet gratitude.  Why was I able, some days, to appreciate the blessings I had, roll with the changes, adjust my plans and stay true to myself?

The biggest difference was where I placed my focus – on how I felt instead of on my results.


The days I focused on my results — on how I was performing against my 2020 New Years’ Resolutions (the ones that kept getting blown up) — were the days I felt most hopeless and stuck.

The days I focused on how I felt were the days I thrived the most — I was most able to adjust to new circumstances and create new paths for myself.

Here’s the rub of it: New Years’ resolutions are great, but they tend to focus more on results vs. on how accomplishing your goals will make you FEEL. New Years’ resolutions are transactional and output-focused: lose X pounds, get that promotion, take a tropical vacation.

In contrast, focusing on how you feel along the way helps you connect your goals to your core values.  It prevents the rigidity that can go along with too-stringent goals, gives you the flexibility to take in more information as your journey progresses, and allows you to make smarter decisions along the way.

That’s why, for 2021, I’m staying away from New Years’ resolutions. Instead, I’m focusing on how I want to FEEL during the year.

The best way to do this?

With a Vision Board (instead of Resolutions) for 2021!

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of images, words, and representations of how you want to feel in the coming year. Your vision board perfectly represents who you want to be and what you want to focus on in 2021.  Once completed, your vision board should serve as a source of inspiration daily. They’re also beautiful!

You might benefit from creating a 2021 Vision Board if you:

❗️ feel stuck and need help finding direction in any area of your life⠀
❗️ are unsure where to head now that 2020 has thrown twists into previous plans⠀
❗️ feel like you’re reacting instead of proactively creating the life you want⠀
❗️ want motivation and inspiration⠀
❗️ want clarity around your core values and “non-negotiables”⠀

My favorite way to create a Vision Board is with others.  It’s inspiring to be surrounded by like-minded people who are also focused on their intentions for the upcoming year.  The energy becomes unstoppable!

Haven Coaching is hosting a VIRTUAL vision board workshop to set goals and intentions for 2021.

It’s our most popular event and is already over halfway sold out, so get tickets today!
You’ll emerge with a physical or digital motivational collage.  It’ll be a 2 hour interactive, relaxed and FUN session.  There is some pre-preparation required, so head to the EventBrite site to get more info and buy tickets today!  

Need more 1:1 guidance? Click here to schedule some time with me — I’d love to chat and help you love what you do.

Haven Coaching